Google said what?!

Sometimes web search engines will find unexpected things

Friday, May 21, 2010

Can you get it a la mode?

Our first reader contribution comes from Teresa H.

"Way back in the late 90's, when I was (apparently) still quite naive about such
things, I decided to look for pie recipes - only I forgot to include the "recipes"
part in the search field.
Long story short: that day I gained a new perspective (literally!) about what
the average OB-GYN deals with on a daily basis."

Thanks Teresa.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'll take two, please

Recently my sister joined a CSA.  She's been pretty excited about all the goodies she's going to be getting on a regular basis.  But there are a handful of things on her list that she isn't familiar with (and understand, my sister is a trained chef).

We were emailing back and forth about it recently, and she mentioned one of these mystery items.  I took the opportunity to google it to see if I could find anything.

Now, my sister is smart.  I should have realized she'd have already tried it.  But she could have warned me about the kind of results you get back from "dirty onions."

Thanks, sis.

I was at work, so I didn't keep the search open.  I still don't know what she's going to be getting.  I'm afraid to ask.